Renewable interconnection and integration studies

DNV’s renewable interconnection and integration studies for TSOs & DNOs asses the network reliability consequences of increasing levels of renewables.

Consumers and regulatory bodies are demanding increasing use of renewable energy. But these new sources are typically intermittent and have very different electrical characteristics to conventional generating capacity. DNV’s Renewable Interconnection and Integration Studies assess the system-wide impact of increased renewable use, allowing TSOs and DNOs to integrate renewables without harming network reliability.

Through DNV, TSOs and DNOs can draw on a vast reserve of knowledge and experience with renewable resources. This allows us to incorporate best practices from utility and renewable industries into your interconnection and integration study process.

The resulting report covers all aspects of grid reliability when integrating renewables, including:

  • steady-state thermal and voltage impacts
  • transient and dynamic stability
  • short-circuit and protection coordination effects
  • market operations and grid congestion
  • electromagnetic transient impacts.