Propeller design - Nauticus Machinery - Propeller Blade

Propeller design and tunnel thruster analysis with the Propeller Blade software module in Nauticus Machinery

Propeller design with Nauticus Machinery Propeller Blade

The Propeller Blade software module helps you improve propeller design by calculating lifecycle and safety against fatigue damage in propeller blades and tunnel thrusters.

Propeller Blade software

  • The software is developed based on DNV’s long term experience with propeller design
  • Easy to use rule-check tool with efficient and user-friendly user interface
  • Consideration of ice-class both legacy DNV rules and the latest Finnish-Swedish ice class rules and IACS polar ice-class rules
  • Efficient determination of load-carrying capacity for propeller blade
  • Ability to import results from FEM-calculations
  • Printout of calculation results and export to Microsoft Word

Based on DNV Rules and Class Guidelines

  • Pt.4 Ch.5 Sec.1 (normal class requirements and safety factors)
  • Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.1, Sec.2, Sec.5 (ice class requirements and safety factors)
  • Class Guidelines 0039 (detailed method on how to assess minimum safety factors) for conventional propellers and tunnel thruster
  • Class Guideline 0041(requirements to ice strengthening of propeller)
  • Class Guideline 0039 covers 90% of all possible propeller designs and focuses on four critical sections in the propeller blade

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  Nauticus Machinery - Propeller Blade

Nauticus Machinery - Propeller Blade

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Berg Propulsion - Mohamed Zeid

With DNV we get the help we need when we need it.

  • Mohamed Zeid ,
  • Rotordynamics specialist ,
  • Berg Propulsion

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