Project development for onshore wind farms

Wide-ranging professional support helps you build your wind farm project successfully, efficiently and cost-effectively, minimizing risk and increasing bankability.

Building a wind farm is a complex process. A multitude of skills are needed to cover all the different development aspects, from planning right through the project lifecycle. Developers face an impossible challenge without their own in-house engineering teams. But with help from DNV, it becomes a challenge you can easily conquer.

Support throughout project development
Our project development service takes you through the entire development phase of the project – from pre-construction, through construction and beginning of operation. You get access to all the technical expertise you need to ensure your onshore wind farm project is completed successfully and to the highest standards.

In particular, you can call on our services for:

  • Front-end engineering design, including cable layout optimization, road layouts, etc.
  • Tender support
  • Planning and environmental support, including shadow flicker and noise studies
  • Preliminary budget studies to help you get the best price

Tailored to your needs
Available worldwide globally, our Project development support is tailored to meet your individual needs and market type. Our holistic approach is designed to ensure you meet your project goals efficiently and cost-effectively, while our global reputation helps you maximize bankability.

I have very much appreciated the organized, structured and professional manner in which the team at DNV undertakes its work, supported by a sense of humor and flexibility to deal with realities presenting itself in the African market. DNV’s response to my comments on the technical report was beyond my expectations, clearly demonstrating that they want to provide their customers with real and tangible value.

  • Dr. Hanna H. Klein ,
  • VP Research and Project Management ,
  • Gigawatt Global

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