Program evaluation

DNV’s evaluation services enhance existing energy-related products, services and programs.

Today’s energy market is more volatile and complicated than ever. The increased use of renewables, opportunities to “go green”, economic pressures and rapid changes in end-user technology make keeping energy products and services up to the market demands a real challenge. Even the metrics of success are changing, as carbon savings supplements kWh and Btus. With DNV, you can navigate this complexity with confidence. You’ll gain the insight you need to understand how these trends affect your business. DNV’s evaluation services feature reliable, trusted third-party assessments of program impact coupled with relentless focus on program improvement.

Whether you want to launch a new option or improve the effectiveness of your existing portfolio, we will design evaluation services tailored to your needs. Our findings could help you understand:

  • technology trends
  • pricing landscape
  • regulations that could affect customer demand
  • impacts and the effectiveness of your programs
  • your competitors’ capabilities and strategies
  • how to reach more customers with your programs customer satisfaction

Do you need more information?

Have a look at our brochure, videos and downloads

  Program evaluation

Program evaluation

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  Case Study: Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Evaluation Program

Case Study: Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Evaluation Program

Learn more about our work for the Mass Save program»


Smart Meter Business Case Assessment: Customer Engagement

Download the whitepaper »


Searching for Savings: Using Geospatial Analysis to Target Programs

Download the whitepaper »