Power Quality measurement

DNV offers power quality monitoring and interpretation of results, allowing developers and utilities to address the growing issue of harmonic penetration

The energy landscape is changing, and as it does, inverters and other power electronic devices, such as electronic vehicle charging stations, are becoming more prevalent. This in turn is increasing the presence of harmonics in power systems, leading to potential problems for utilities and end-users.

Power quality measurement is an important step in addressing these issues both for utilities and developers.

Power quality monitoring for all situations
Whether for your development project or utility needs, DNV provides independent services conducted by experienced engineers. We can confirm penetration level monitoring for utilities, and support developers to demonstrate that their projects do not create unacceptable harmonic penetration per IEEE 519 requirements into distribution or transmission systems.

Our comprehensive services cover all types of power quality monitoring on ‘either side of the meter’, complete with interpretation of results. Whatever the energy source, we have the capabilities and capacities to support you, including established relationships with a variety of instrument vendors.

DNV’s teams have worked on systems ranging from hundreds of volts to several hundred kV, and we can perform measurements in HV and EHV substations with no interruption of service to any equipment.