Non-wire alternatives planning and analysis

By combining its broad capabilities and knowledge of transmission & distribution across North America, DNV offers in-depth NWA planning and analysis

In today’s changing energy landscape, utilities and ISO’s in North America are increasingly looking at the viability of reliable and cost-effective non-wires alternatives (NWA) to traditional grid provision and to support regulation and legislation to drive state-level NWA activities.

Complete services
DNV has brought together its wide-ranging expertise to support utility, Independent System Operator (ISO), city and municipality customers to analyse and plan for NWA planning. DNV’s team of energy experts offer a broad range of services to support all aspects of NWA planning and implementation.

These include:

  • develop roadmaps to evaluate NWA projects in coordination with utilities and other stakeholders
  • support development of a BCA framework in collaboration with stakeholders
  • assessing system demographics, project screening, and developing NWA options, both front-of-the-meter and behind-the-meter (BTM)
  • modelling of transmission & distribution systems in Utility selected software such as Cyme, Synergi Electric and PSS/E
  • performing technical impact analysis to validate the reliability needs of the proposed NWA project
  • verifying the feasibility of the proposed NWAs with the utility customer
  • performing Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) to assess the cost-effectiveness of NWAs

Wide-ranging expertise
DNV’s energy experts bring rigor and integrity to all our services. They have deep experience in technical due diligence and market advisory services across the energy spectrum including electric utility transmission & distribution planning, operations, energy efficiency, distributed energy resources (DER) and energy storage.

Our engineers are fully familiar with regional market structures, as well as local policies and programs. Their broad knowledge covers reliability standards and NERC compliance, and they have long experience of planning processes and working in ISO and Transmission Service Provider (TSP) territories across North America.