Naval submarines

Make sure that your naval submarines perform to the highest safety standards even under extreme conditions.

When it comes to naval subsurface operations, the safety of humans and the reliability of technology are of the utmost importance. What’s more, the sensitive nature of this field means that you need a trusted partner at your side.

DNV supports you in assuring the safety and reliability of your submarines. Our long-standing expertise and extensive knowledge in the field of pressure and underwater technology make us the ideal partner for your naval projects.

We provide you with a special set of DNV rules for the construction and safe operation of naval submarines and their systems. This results in individual solutions for your project:

  • Classification of naval submarines
  • Certification/implementation of the NSubC (Naval Submarine Code)
  • Certification and technical support for naval equipment as well as for submarine rescue systems
  • Certification of submarine components and systems for propulsion, fuel cells and storage of hydrogen or oxygen
  • Verification of compliance with other applicable standards
  • Expert advice on compliance and safety matters, material selection, calculations etc.

Our experts are on hand to provide you with detailed information while guaranteeing the necessary confidentiality. Feel secure in having an experienced partner at your side to meet all the requirements of your project.

Choose DNV and profit from:

  • Special rules for naval subsurface vessels and systems that meet stringent requirements for safe operation
  • Full expert guidance based on broad knowledge and long-standing experience
  • Safe and reliable operations of your naval submarines and systems
  • Confidential cooperation that builds trust with your clients

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Approval of manufacturers | System & software engineering CP-0507

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