Modelling for NERC compliance

Through its field testing and modelling expertise, DNV helps you at every step of NERC MOD-025/026/027/032 compliance

For generator owners and transmission planners, compliance with NERC standards is a vital business obligation. Whether in wind, wave & tidal or solar generation, if generation is part of your BES resources it needs to be modelled, with appropriate testing and validation included in the process.

Full support
DNV’s experienced teams can support you through all steps of the compliance process including field testing, and development and validation of dynamic and power flow models. Our engineers can conduct testing at the generation site or as a remote service if the data can be recorded under appropriate supervision. And they will ensure that your models fulfil the requirement for a realistic representation of the dynamic behaviour of your installed BES. Once complete, we will provide you with all the necessary field test data, models, reports and paperwork for submission to comply with NERC and associated Independent System Operators (ISO) standards.

Expertise you can count on
As you develop your renewable energy generation, we offer reliable, high quality technical and engineering services to facilitate your business development. With extensive knowledge of NERC modelling and procedures, our teams ensure you can meet all applicable MOD standards requirements efficiently and on time.