Market design and network access

The technical characteristics of the electric power and natural gas industries require a number of specific measures to enable the creation of an effective and well functioning energy market.

DNV has taken a leading role in many major reform projects around the world. We have experience with all types of markets, such as cost- and price-based pools, mandatory and voluntary markets, as well as bilateral and single buyer markets.

Regardless of the market model chosen, it is necessary to design and implement mechanisms that ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system. These would be designed to provide for the following:

  • a fair and orderly use of scarce network capacities
  • settle the inevitable deviations between planned and actual use of the system
  • avoid extreme price volatility while preserving long-term security of supply.

These issues require in-depth insights into the technical functioning of the relevant energy system. DNV provides unmatched technical experience of operations, business processes, and technical systems within the energy industry. We fully understand the underlying issues and help design market mechanisms and industry structures that not only facilitate the market but also work in practice. Our unique combination of skills has helped many customers around the world successfully bridge gaps that often arise between the overall concept and technical implementation.

Our expert services in the areas of market implementation and network access include:

  • network access models & contractual structures
  • scheduling and nomination of generation and trade, production or flows and trade
  • balancing markets and settlement of imbalances
  • provision of ancillary and system services
  • congestion management
  • application of load profiling; and
  • design and implementation of capacity mechanisms.