Market analytics and strategy

Success requires careful analysis of business prospects so that market players fully understand marketplace dynamics and remain abreast of the latest changes

Energy market participants face rapidly changing business challenges in liberalizing markets. In a complex industry like the energy sector, detailed knowledge of both commercial and technical issues is critical. Success requires careful analysis of business prospects so that market players fully understand marketplace dynamics and remain abreast of the latest changes.

DNV’s analytical services cover both technical and financial aspects, ranging from general market studies to detailed quantitative assessments. We support our clients with the development and revision of corporate and market strategies and offer in-depth analysis and modeling of markets. A successful strategy firstly requires the determination and assessment of the starting point of the company and its market environment. Such work often involves conceptual analysis, as well as quantitative modeling and simulation, to develop a thorough understanding of the market dynamics and any potential changes. In addition to market structures, rules and procedures, particular attention must be paid to forecasting prices and costs in the medium- to long-term.

DNV leverages its experience, knowledge and capabilities in market analysis and modeling and performance measurement to assist clients addressing a variety of strategic and other decisions effectively, including:

  • financial, economic and technical appraisal of project and strategies
  • analyzing the impact of market and bidding strategies
  • due diligence support
  • forecasting, planning and investment
  • technical and commercial feasibility studies
  • country and subject reports, comparative studies
  • market modeling and simulation.