Management systems

A strategy for growth and change

Aligning your business processes, competence and resources, methods, and tools is essential for business success. 

DNV has set the benchmark in creating, implementing and improving corporate management systems that create value and underpin confidence in your operation or projects. 

Our service supports all phases of an operation or project, from setting out an initial philosophy to preparing for operations. We help you tailor the management system to your needs, taking into account business objectives, business processes, organisational environment, associated risks, varying needs, size and organizational structure.

Our risk-based methodologies provide critical input to change management, process improvement and knowledge management. As well as promoting the design of new processes and support systems, our teams can help you implement agreed and planned solutions. 

Focusing on key areas will enable cost efficiency, accurate delivery times, a motivated workforce–and stakeholder approval at all levels. 

What you get:

  • Gap assessments 
  • Development of philosophy, procedures and systems
  • Business process evaluation, alignment and improvement
  • Knowledge transfer and exchange
  • Operator pre-qualifications
  • Ready-for-operation, ready-for-drilling and ready-for-project support
  • Organizational development
  • Implementation support
  • Change management and process improvement (CMPI)
  • Leadership coaching
  • Consultancy and training
  • Continuous improvement.