Loads analysis for new wind turbine products

Independent assessments to help you understand your wind or tidal energy devices and the conditions in which they operate.

Modern wind turbines are highly complex feats of engineering. Understanding the stresses and strains they will face in operation is a vital part of turbine design. And as turbines and farms get larger and even more complex, it is increasingly important to factor the particular conditions of the turbine’s intended location into that understanding.

Rapid, robust load calculations
Helping you streamline turbine design, DNV offers you a fast and effective service for accurate load analysis. It begins by creating a robust numerical model of your turbine and benchmarking it against our wide experience of other systems. We then use that model to carry out design load calculations, implementing the appropriate design standards to give you a design envelope that you can propagate throughout your design process. 

Turbine designs often have to be adapted during the design process. We can give you rapid feedback on the load implications of these changes and offer evolving design envelopes to ensure an efficient design process. Moreover, following your measurement campaign, we can provide measurement comparison and model validation services, helping guarantee the robustness of your load calculations.

Global service, local knowledge
All simulations and calculations are carried out by our dedicated load engineering team, comprising structural, mechanical and numerical design experts. The same people who created our tried-and-tested Bladed turbine modelling tool, they have a deep understanding of the physics of mechanical loads in wind turbines and are actively involved in developing design standards.

This central team works closely with our local teams to provide global coverage. This allows them to leverage knowledge of the wind conditions in the particular region or location in which your turbine will operate for site-specific mechanical load analyses.

Related information

Have a look at our brochure, video and related links.

  Turbine engineering support

Turbine engineering support

DNV’s Turbine engineering team provides world-leading independent expertise in wind turbine technology, design and analysis. We support the industry in the design and operation of more reliable and cost-effective wind turbines. Watch our new video to find out more.

  Turbine Engineering Services brochure

Turbine Engineering Services brochure

Download the Turbine engineering support brochure for more information.