Load Analytics as a Service

Our analytics platform aligns disparate data sources with high volumes of interval load profile data for advanced time series analysis and graphical exploration.

Load Analytics as a Service
Undertaking complex load analysis requires domain expertise and a robust IT infrastructure to achieve reliable results. Having access to on-demand skilled resources without the high startup and operational costs provides decision makers and planners a quick path to critical information. Our team of data scientists and statisticians harness the power of our purpose built analytical platform LRS+  for rapid results to complex analyses. The cloud based, platform solution can be customized to meet the analytical requirements of specific client use cases. For more information on this service visit our Load Analytics as a Service (LAaaS) webpages.

LAaaS has:

  • Leading-edge analytical techniques and domain expertise
  • Purpose-built analytics platform built for scale and performance
  • Powerful graphical interface for exploratory and visual analytics