ISO and RTO system impact studies

DNV offers operators and service providers in-depth technical expertise and grid code knowledge to assess the impact of new generation interconnections

Grid operators and planners face a changing world. The growing shift to renewable generation and the continuous overhauling of aging electricity infrastructures present critical planning and operational challenges. Whether expanding onshore or offshore capacity, Independent System Operators (ISOs), Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs), and transmission service providers need to understand the reliability impact of new generation interconnections. Such system impact studies enable educated decisions that limit the risk of future operational constraints and/or expensive network upgrades.

Full range of technical assessments
DNV’s experienced teams can support you in all aspects of system impact studies, allowing you to determine the incremental impact of new generation interconnections on existing generation and transmission facilities.

Our Power System Advisory service offers you a full range of technical impact assessments and reports covering:

  • Detailed assessment of thermal loading and voltage violations
  • Steady-state assessment
  • Short circuit / breaker adequacy
  • Transient / dynamic stability
  • Voltage / frequency ride-through
  • Sub-synchronous resonance (ssr) / sub-synchronous control interaction (ssci)
  • Grid code compliance

Comprehensive experience and expertise
Our engineers have detailed knowledge of technical assessments and the software platforms used for analysis and reporting. Plus, having conducted assessments in all ISO/RTO regions across North America, they have in-depth knowledge of grid code requirements. They will help you evaluate all necessary parameters including voltage / frequency ride-through, frequency response and voltage support. So, you receive the best possible data on which to base decisions.