Investment and risk analysis

Secure business goals and project performance and address risks from feasibility to completion.

Uncertainty in project investment arises from a wide range of sources and at different points in time during the project lifecycle. If you ignore these uncertainties when you make decisions, it can undermine the project before it even has started. In the worst case, it can prevent you from achieving your business goals. Our risk management services can help you secure your project’s performance by addressing your risks from optimal conception to completion.

Dealing with uncertainties in projects is not only about minimizing negative impact, but also about maximising the potential. By using our proven methodologies in combination with our domain expertise, we address critical issues in each project phase through a structured, systematic approach. We provide you with a thoroughly investigated and qualified basis for your investment decisions throughout the total life cycle of the project.

Depending on your specific needs, we can support you with tailored advisory services or serve as an independent third-party assessment service provider at individual phases.

We understand the assessment and control of project risk at all levels throughout the project lifecycle. With our global energy industry experience we can help you develop, implement and execute tailored Project Risk Management (PRM) solutions to improve project performance and increase stakeholder confidence. Project risk management (PRM) is about analysing and managing threats and opportunities in order to achieve your cost, schedule and quality objectives.

We have supported several large investment projects in hydropower (EUR >100 million) with identifying risks both in terms of cost and schedule. We can also provide expert input to enhance the understanding of the risks and define suitable mitigating measures. As a result, project managers gain greater insight and have better control of project quality, performance, time and budget.

Reports and advice
We support you with reports and advice tailored to each stage of your project with a project risk register containing all identified risks with monitoring of:

  • risk assessment progress, in terms of severity, chance of occurrence and impact
  • definition of mitigating measures and their timely execution
  • tracking of people responsible for risks and mitigation measures
  • risk reports for project and general management
  • due diligence reports on project quality, structure and approach as a support for FID or project financing parties
  • cost and schedule distribution reports

What you get:

  • world-class risk analysis and cost estimation service
  • effective risk mitigation strategies
  • better forecasts
  • greater risk awareness and stakeholder confidence
  • identification and assessment of project risks
  • cost risk and schedule assessments
  • qualitative and quantitative risk assessments

DNV's experience We have been a major contributor to the field of PRM during the last 20 years and has developed dedicated and proven risk management tools like EasyRisk and Synergy Life that can be quickly tailored to special customer needs. DNV is unique in having access to the cutting-edge technical competence as well as deep risk management expertise worldwide