Interconnection study and agreement review

By assessing TSO / DSO interconnection study assumptions and results, DNV allows renewable plant developers to negotiate fair interconnection agreements.

Our specialists can provide you with a rapid, cost-effective analysis of the feasibility of a proposed site for a renewable energy project. This analysis allows you to make an informed decision on whether to proceed.

Based on the location and size of your project, our local specialists use their knowledge of the existing transmission infrastructure to create a detailed report. This covers the likely costs of mitigating any negative system impacts, and includes the results of power flow and fatal-flaw analyses. This type of interconnection study and feasibility analysis determines any constraints that may significantly affect the amount of renewables that can be interconnected at that location.

Variety of presentations to suit your needs
In particular, the analysis looks at interconnection capacity, potential transmission system bottlenecks and competition in the vicinity. We can also rank potential sites and provide planning level estimates of the transmission system upgrades needed to accommodate your project.

This service enables you to screen a large number of sites without having to visit them directly. For your convenience, we can supply the results as a spreadsheet, a written report or as a Google Earth map with an easy-to-use interface showing the relevant data at each injection point studied.

This service is available in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.