Interconnection data for renewable power plants

DNV provides technical data for the interconnection study of renewable power plants.

With growing penetration of renewable energy on existing grids, TSOs and DNOs increasingly require project developers wanting to make new connections to fill out detailed request forms. But collecting all the data and meeting the specific requirements of TSOs and DNOs can be a major challenge.

DNV helps you through this process by providing the relevant technical data. Acting as your technical liaison with the TSO/DNO, we will gather all the data and create all the documents needed for this critical first phase.

Our consultants have extensive knowledge of TSO and DNO requirements in each region, allowing them to provide the right information quickly and cost effectively. You can effectively outsource all your interconnection application management activities to us.


  • Generating conceptual plant design documents
    • including preliminary collection / facility design for wind / solar installations
  • Developing responses to TSO/DNO technical data questionnaires
  • Plant modelling data
  • Developing power flow, dynamic and short circuit models of the proposed project in accordance with TSO/DNO study requirements.