Inter-array grid design for offshore wind farms

DNV provides inter-array and substation electrical design concepts and planning for offshore wind farms.

Inter-array grids and substation power electrics are an integral part of an offshore wind farm. However defining the optimal technical and commercial solutions for these vital elements can be complex.  The choice, dimensioning, layout and topology of related components such as power cables, transformers and switchgear all depend on multiple factors.

We can support your decision making by investigating and developing concepts for inter-array grids and substation main electrical equipment tailored to your business objectives. With experience of wind power projects worldwide, our experts can provide you with detailed, high-quality reports. And our proven in-house tools allow us to work quickly and accurately to meet your deadlines, even for large installations of 100 or more turbines.

Inter-array grid concepts
Intergrid-array concepts include grid topology and cable ratings. We optimise these concepts based on your turbine coordinates, wind yield and export cable configuration to minimise losses, investment and lifetime costs. We also take into account wind turbine generator, cable laying and reliability requirements, and can assess the influence of the location of your offshore substation(s) on your inter-array grid.

Substation main electrical equipment concepts
Our optimised concepts for substation main electric equipment include the switchgear topology and transformer ratings. Here too, we can optimise for minimal losses, minimal investment costs or minimal overall costs (over the projected life time). In these concepts, we also take reliability and TSO requirements into account.

If you wish, we can also assess the impact of your wind turbine generator selection on the proposed inter-array grid and / or substation solution.

Proven tools and expertise
DNV has a proven track record in services for offshore wind power and is a standard-setter in the field . Based on our deep know-how, we have created in-house tools to investigate and develop inter-grid array and substation electrical design concepts. 

These can be combined with our various related services  to provide you with a single, convenient source of support for your wind power projects.

Furthermore, we provide other planning services for the offshore sector such as auxiliary / emergency supply concepts, technical specifications, tender evaluation, wind farm and grid simulations. 

In addition, for electrical equipment, DNV offers research and type testing , as well as support in the execution of projects, quality assurance and failure investigations.