Integrity management

Giving you confidence in the technical integrity of offshore assets

Modifications and damage can compromise the design integrity of an asset.
During the operational life of an asset, structural modifications, damages or changes to the load picture will often lead to deviations from its original design. The DNV integrity management service ensures that these changes are documented and maintained in the structural model over the through service life of the asset, an 'at all-time sharp' structural model, incorporating possible inspection and and monitoring results.

Our experts work with operators to establish the most cost-efficient solutions for each asset, where and the service is typically combined with 24/7 emergency response support, to help reduce the potential impact of unforeseen events.

As a long-term independent service provider working globally with leading oil and gas operators, our insight into best practice for integrity management and operations makes us an attractive partner for managing operational risks and securing uptime for offshore assets.

What you get:

  • Best practice integrity assessment methodology
  • Availability of leading experts in a wide range of disciplines
  • Enhanced use of resource utilizations
  • Improved confidence in the technical condition of assets
  • Management of re-analyses models and system data
  • Preparedness and reduced risk cost
  • Efficient and timely response
  • Faster re-assessment for new operating conditions or after modifications.