Hybrid energy resource optimizer

Planning for financial success of your hybrid or standalone battery project

Built on unparalleled battery engineering, contract and regulatory expertise, and advanced optimization modelling, DNV’s Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer platform provides reliable, realistic, and transparent valuation of your storage or hybrid project. In an increasingly competitive and fast-moving storage market, DNV’s Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer platform informs investment, strengthen your portfolio’s strategic positioning, and provide certainty to investors.


Robust technical understanding
The Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer explicitly considers a detailed technical model including technical and loss tree parameters of renewable and storage systems. Renewable production profiles created by off-the-shelf modeling tools can be used as direct inputs. ITC requirements, interconnection constraints, battery warranty and capacity maintenance strategies, market price models are embedded and configurable within the platform.

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Thorough market regulation representation
Each independent system operator (ISO) in the United States has distinctive regulations governing battery resource bidding, market clearing, dispatch, and settlement. The Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer embeds regulatory and participation mechanisms for each ISO: CAISO, ERCOT, NYISO, PJM, MISO, SPP, ISONE.

Advanced modeling methodology
The tool calculates dispatch on a daily look-ahead basis at sub-hourly intervals and solves mixed integer linear programming problems, evaluating an iterative bidding strategy to maximize income potential while complying with battery cycling, throughput limits and exogenous regulatory and contractual requirements.

Learn more

For more details on Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer software and analysis, download our brochure and visit our help and learning center. Register today or schedule a demo with us to find out how DNV’s Hybrid Energy Resource Optimizer can optimize performance and profit for your storage project.

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