High-power and high-voltage laboratory development

Develop a lab that meets your specific testing needs in the shortest possible time.

In electricity grid networks, reliability is king. Hence, effective testing of grid components is essential both during their development and before they are deployed. But effectively testing high-voltage grid components requires specialist equipment and expertise.

End-to-end support
DNV’s laboratory development consultancy services give you all the support necessary to establish your own high-power or high-voltage laboratory. Whether you are looking to create a small in-house R&D testing facility or a major regional test centre, our end-to-end support and proven methodology ensure the fastest route to a lab that meets your specific testing needs.

You can call on our expertise any phase of your project. Our services include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Design support o Conceptual design and lab principle:
    • Basic design and drafting terms of reference
    • Detailed design, simulation, calculation, layout and specifications
  • Realization support:
    • Tender support
    • Engineering review
    • Construction quality assurance
    • Commissioning support
    • Verification tests
    • Staff training

Global expertise at your service
When it comes to developing world-class testing facilities, our experience is second to none. As the former home of the KEMA Laboratories, we provided long-term support for the design and operation of these world-renowned facilities. We have also helped universities, component manufacturers, technology institutes and testing houses around the world establish their own tailor-made facilities. Through this extensive experience, we have developed a unique insight into the design and operation of high-power and high-voltage labs that can ensure you achieve a testing facility that precisely meets your needs.


High-power/high-voltage lab development

The fast route to high-quality testing facilities and expertise