Functional safety

Making sure instrumented safety systems provide the protection you need

Instrumented safety systems are often relied on to protect people, the environment and physical assets. But how can you be sure yours will provide the protection you need throughout the operational life cycle?

In the oil and gas sector, standards such as IEC 61508, IEC 61511 and the Norwegian Oil and Gas guideline 070 provide recommended frameworks for best practice implementation of functional safety, but it can be a challenge to implement these effectively. 

DNV works with clients over the entire lifecycle of functional safety, from hazard identification and risk assessment, through design and realisation, and during operation, maintenance and eventual decommissioning. 

We can support you and your suppliers to implement effective functional safety, either as an expert partner in the design and development process, or by offering you third party verification. Our breadth of experience in applying functional safety to onshore and offshore assets will help you avoid common pitfalls and get things right from the outset. 

Our involvement gives you access to the DNV global network, and a partner that understands the challenges your industry faces. 

What you get:

  • Comprehensive advisory or verification support
  • Safety integrity level (SIL) determination
  • SIL verification or functional safety assessment
  • Functional safety certification.