Exhaust emissions and exhaust gas treatment systems

Ships need to comply with increasingly tough regulations on the restriction of emissions, especially in Emission Control Areas (ECA’s).

Shipping companies  need to ensure reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and particulates in the exhaust gases of their ships. 

DNV offers comprehensive exhaust emission services including certification and measurement. We provide you with a 360° solution for your engines, exhaust gas treatment systems, catalysts and all related products.

Our experts in this field offer:

  • Engine certification for seagoing ships according to MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx - Technical Code (EIAPP-Certification)
  • Approval of exhaust gas treatment systems like SOx-scrubbers
  • SCR- catalysts and particle filter systems according to our DNV rules
  • Certification of engines for inland waterway vessels, recreational craft (RC Directive 94/25/EC) and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM Directive 97/68/EC)
  • Mobile measurement of exhaust emissions according to ISO 8178 on board ships or at test beds
  • Approval of measurement devices for exhaust emissions
  • Compliance assessment of ship engines with the Norwegian NOx tax system, the decree on Swedish fairway dues and harbour fees, as well as further regulations

Take advantage of our 360° exhaust emission services:

  • Smooth certification of your engines to MARPOL, and, if needed, in parallel with further standards for other applications
  • Exhaust gas measurement, analyses and certification from a single source, ensuring cost and time savings
  • Approval of exhaust gas treatment and measurement devices based on the latest technological knowledge reflected in our rules
  • Experienced experts on hand to support you in all questions regarding compliancy
  • Reputable DNV certification that builds trust and confidence with your customers

Exhaust gas emission measurements

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Rules and standards

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