Engineering services in welding

Take advantage of our expertise in welding – let our experts support your welding business.

DNV provides a wide range of services to support you in ensuring compliance with all the relevant requirements to ensure outstanding quality of your welding work.

The extensive knowledge of our welding and materials experts enables us to provide you with advice and support for your welding challenge.

This includes:

  • Support during the development of welding procedures that meet all the relevant standards and requirements
  • Verification of calculations and manufacturing concepts for complex welding constructions
  • Support in selecting the right non-destructive testing method for welding seams
  • Customised in-house training for managerial welding staff (designers, welding supervisors and others)
  • Welding coordinator course

You are in excellent hands with DNV:

  • Highly competent welding and material experts ensure the quality of your welding processes and products
  • Extensive knowledge in the maritime sector also applicable to all other industries and sectors
  • Updates and input on all the latest regulatory developments

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  Approval of manufacturers | System & software engineering CP-0507

Approval of manufacturers | System & software engineering CP-0507

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DNV approved products, manufacturers and service suppliers