Energy balancing optimisation frameworks

DNVs EBOF is a flexible toolkit to help companies assess and improve their energy balancing performance.

Electricity balancing services are a TSO’s resource for safeguarding operational security. To ensure a secure energy supply and an efficient power market, every player in the chain must perform and cooperate optimally in fulfilling its regulatory requirements. To that end, DNV-GL developed the Energy Balancing Optimisation Frameworks (EBOF) toolset to help companies assess and improve their balancing performance.

The EBOF toolset can be used by TSOs, DSOs, utilities, balancing service providers (BSPs) and balance responsible parties (BRPs). It helps each player find the most efficient balancing solutions for their specific circumstances and identify where they need to improve to optimally meet their electricity balancing responsibility. EBOF can be easily tuned to quickly answer any specific energy balancing question.

A flexible tool kit
EBOF is a set of advanced optimisation frameworks for efficiently addressing balancing problems. Implemented in MATLAB for maximum flexibility, the frameworks are based on exchangeable optimisation algorithms and use solvers such as CPLEX, Gurobi, GLPK and Genetic Algorithms.

With EBOF, our consultants can quickly answer the vast majority of questions related to energy balancing optimisation. These range from proof-of-concept and impact studies to assessment studies. Examples include unit commitment and economic dispatch studies, and cost simulations for reserving balancing capacity.

Using EBOF, our consultants can assess a wide range of energy balancing functions.

  • TSO activation optimisation
  • Optimisation of balancing services procurement and activation, taking into account network limitations
  • Central dispatch
  • Optimising balancing reserve energy bids for BSPs
  • Optimising the position of BRPs
  • Minimising DSO costs related to schedule curtailment and balance reserve limits due to grid constraints