Data communication and telecommunication

Modernizing the utility through communications infrastructure and technologies

Communications infrastructure has evolved into a powerful strategic asset. It can enhance core capabilities and generate new business opportunities. Strategic development and expansion of existing telecommunications capabilities can help power utilities improve reliability, optimize operating efficiencies, reduce operating costs, and open new revenue streams.

Leveraging data telecommunications for utility operational effectiveness
When properly leveraged, data communications and telecommunications enables utilities to address many of today's key issues more effectively-grid modernization, security, advanced metering, outage management, mobile workforce management, mapping and staking, and customer and vendor relationship management.

Successful data communications and telecommunications initiatives require a combination of technical competency, market knowledge, and proven success strategies. It also requires a thorough understanding of the entire scope of telecommunications and IT-from the boardroom to the switch room.

Broad-based experience and involvement in communication protocols and standards
DNV has extensive data communications and telecommunications experience and an excellent track record of proven strategies with telecommunications and power utilities worldwide.

We provide broad-based, impartial expertise based on direct experience with utility telecommunications services requirements, characteristics of traditionally operated telecommunications networks, and up-to-date knowledge of new technologies available in the marketplace.

We have been closely involved in the standardization of communication protocols and actively participate in international standard bodies such as IEEE and IEC. We are also a member of industry associations such as the UCA International Users Group, CIGRE, IEC 61400-25 User group, DLMS User Association, Utilimetrics and GridWise. We use our expertise in this area to assist our clients with selection, implementation, testing and certification of communication protocol implementations.

We provide strategic consulting solutions related to telecommunications networks for automation and control projects as well as corporate telecommunications consulting, including:

  • assessing telecommunications networks conditions and requirements
  • recommending solutions, alternatives and strategic planning to optimize use
  • assisting in design and implementation of upgrading, expanding, and modernizing networks
  • capitalizing on telecommunications network opportunities
  • definition of new protocol standards
  • selection and extension of protocol standards
  • training in IEC protocol standards
  • conformance, Performance and Interoperability testing of protocol implementations
  • supply of test tools to simulate protocol behavior and analyze data traffic on networks.