Curtailment risk assessment for renewable energy projects

DNV helps project developers and energy off-takers assess the risk of curtailment in renewable energy projects.

With growing demand for and production of renewables, curtailment is a significant risk for many projects. Will your output be limited by crowded interconnection queues and increased renewable energy penetration levels on already constrained grids?

We can help you test your curtailment assumptions, and provide a clear picture of whether they are consistent with your generation and revenue expectations over the life time of your asset.

Our advisory services are supported by leading-edge commercial simulation models, along with a suite of proprietary in-house models. Using these tools and regional production cost simulation databases, we give you a reliable assessment of the amount of energy that is likely to be curtailed due to network constraints.

Unique expertise
DNV has a unique combination of knowledge and tools in this field. Our specialists in electricity transmission and distribution can call on the resource assessment capabilities of our renewable energy services specialists, as well as knowledge of market operations from our management and operations experts. As a result, you can count on us for an exceptionally high level of diligence in our reporting.