Control and automation systems and software

Master the challenges posed by the increasing complexity of control systems and the rising need for automation in ship operations.

Continuous control of all important ship functions and early detection of malfunctions are important prerequisites for safe shipping.

DNV technical experts are your reliable partners for the certification of systems, components and software used for control, monitoring and safety tasks.

We provide approval and support for:

  • Computer systems for steering, propulsion and monitoring
  • Machinery and duty alarm systems
  • Condition monitoring systems
  • Remote control systems
  • Control systems of auxiliary machinery, watertight doors and shell openings
  • Bilge, ballast and cargo systems
  • Dynamic positioning systems
  • Safety systems such as ESD
  • Fire detection, alarm and extinguishing systems
  • Gas detection and inert gas systems
  • Data networks and their components
  • Software with tasks essential to the safety of the ship, cargo, crew or passengers
  • Planned maintenance software (PMS)
  • Sensors and actuators

The requirements for control systems are specified in our recognised DNV rules.

Our services cover:

  • Design approval
  • Type approval
  • Product certification
  • Software approval
  • MED Certification
  • Hardware In the Loop (HIL) - test certification
  • Technical support around safety and compliance

Your systems are in best hands with DNV. You benefit from:

  • Proof of quality and safety for your products due to reputable DNV certification that convinces your customers
  • Smart certification processes with ongoing technical support
  • Opportunity to test your complex systems by “HIL”-methods, ensuring that systems function even under extreme conditions
  • Expert guidance on certification of complex systems – DNV navigates you through the necessary regulations and requirements

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Rules and standards

Access all relevant documents developed by our experts

Related links

  Approval of manufacturers | System & software engineering CP-0507

Approval of manufacturers | System & software engineering CP-0507

  DNV approved products, manufacturers and service suppliers

DNV approved products, manufacturers and service suppliers