Common Information Model

DNV has a certified independent laboratory and an accredited scalable Common Information Model testing tool to ensure a seamless exchange of data between stakeholders in the energy value chain.

The Common Information Model (CIM) is an open standard that defines how assets are managed in an IT environment, represented as a common set of objects, and the relationships between them. CIM allows multiple parties to exchange management information about these managed assets and it provides means to actively control and manage these elements.

Energy transition

Digitalization is a key enabler in the energy transition, compliant and standardized data exchange between existing and new stakeholders is essential for advanced grid and energy market operations​. DNV is assigned by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, ENTSO-E, as a testing laboratory to provide CGMES V3.0 conformity testing services. The testing services assure that the implementation of new power network applications comply with the standard of the Common Information Model (CIM), enabling crucial use cases to accelerate the energy transition.

Common Information Model

Utilities are committed to integrate new entrants like aggregators, traders, etc. and optimize efficiently their network. These stakeholders are required to exchange standardized data to actively manage the grid. Therefore, new applications need to be developed and verified. CIM conformance testing by an independent party like DNV guarantees standardization in system operations with new entrants, enabling flexibility in the power system while maintaining the security of supply.​ It validates the standardized exchange of messages between all connected parties. Conformance testing gives stakeholders access to the online test environment to develop, optimize their portfolio and improve the quality of data for different standardized use cases.

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CIM conformance testing environment


DNV has a certified independent laboratory and an accredited, scalable CIM testing tool to support vendors and utilities in the integration and conformance of data exchange, ensuring a high level of interoperability​ between different assets. CIMbion is DNV's highly automated CIM testing tool, certified by ENTSO-E, and is integrated in the interoperability of our smart power systems service portfolio.

Find more info and start a 14 day free trial here  


Our CIM services comprise:

Related on-demand webinars

Common Grid Model Exchange Standard

DNV and ENTSO-E webinar series introducing the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES)) v3.0 conformity testing services - parts 1 and 2

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