Classification for smarter operations

Classification for smarter operations (“Smart Class”) is a concept with an holistic approach that offers various arrangements and methods as enablers to reduce out-of-service time and create a basis for digitalization.

In a challenging market, many companies are forced to stay competitive by strengthening their operational capabilities and reducing their operational expenses (OPEX). Such changes may be introduced by optimizing operational performance by strengthening their basis for decision-making and enabling the use of available new technologies.

Smart Class is a concept that takes a holistic approach, offering various arrangements and methods that may be selected in accordance with the company’s asset management strategies and plans. The concept promotes integration between class and owner by allowing the owner to take a more active role in testing and inspection activities, and by performing our classification activities on a continuous basis and in accordance with the actual operation of the unit. Smart class provides a basis for digitalization and enables the use of new technologies for testing, inspection and reporting, the collection of sensor data and use of data analytics.

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The main benefits you will get with Classification for smarter operations:

  • Reduced out-of-service time, as the owner can perform testing and inspections during service
  • Flexibility and enhanced utilization of the assets, as inspection activities are based on the condition and prevailing operations
  • Lower operational expenses (OPEX)
  • Enhanced control of the asset condition through data analytics