Certified verification services for offshore wind in the US

DNV is your trusted CVA partner in developing safe and reliable offshore wind projects in North America

The combination of offshore wind’s enormous energy potential and the requirements for new energy sources due to aging energy generation facilities sets the scene for a rapid development of the industry in the United States. This growth requires extended risk management via Certified Verification Agents (CVA).

US Code of Federal Regulations, § 285.112, defines CVA as “an individual or organization, experienced in the design, fabrication, and installation of offshore marine facilities or structures, who will conduct specified third-party reviews, inspections, and verifications in accordance with this part.” The requirement for CVA includes both fixed bottom and floating facilities.

DNV is the most experienced CVA in the US, certifying the first ever BOEM approved Facility Design Report (FDR) and Fabrication and Installation Report (FIR) for Cape Wind, as well as certifying the first successful commercially operating wind farm in Federal Waters, the CVOW Pilot.

The US presents some environmental challenges like hurricanes. Therefore, risk management services from experienced CVA’s like DNV are crucial for the success of offshore wind in the US. DNV’s experience and lessons learned globally show that the challenges are manageable with proper risk management.

Development of well proven CVA concept to fit offshore wind

The offshore wind industry is under constant innovation and optimization pressure from the rapid and continuing increase in turbine and support structure size. For the CVA, this requires the ability to adapt to novel concepts and approaches if these can be demonstrated to deliver the intended safety level. DNV has been part of this evolution over the last three decades and has demonstrated the ability to adapt along with the industry and authorities, and to lead innovation.

DNV’s US offices are strongly supported by DNV’s Renewables Certifications global team including a strong European base, which provides experience from CVA-like activities performed for most offshore wind farms under operation and at various stages of completion, around the world today.


Expertise and Trust.

For more than 150 years, we have been the trusted partner of choice for enabling safe and reliable maritime projects. As the energy transition kicked off, we were a first mover to understand and de-risk offshore wind – a journey we began more than 30 years ago.

Built on this pioneering legacy, we now offer services and solutions designed to help clients successfully navigate the nuanced technical, policy, and societal challenges facing offshore wind projects across the lifecycle in North America.