Cable design and specifications

DNV supports technical design and specification of cable connections, enabling well-informed decision-making, and optimal project tendering / execution

Constructing a new cable connection is a complex process. What’s the best solution for your particular project? How do you arrive at the optimal basic conceptual design? Have you specified the design in enough detail to request proposals from suppliers and contractors?

DNV helps you answer questions like these. As an expert player in the field, we are involved in numerous projects every year. These cover all kinds of connection: from underground to submarine cables, and from medium to the very highest voltage applications, both AC and DC.

Based on our in-depth knowledge of the latest cable technologies, we provide technically sound advice at all phases of your cable construction project.

  • Feasibility studies
    • including detailed technical and economic analysis
  • Conceptual design studies
    • including proposal and ranking of various technical solutions
  • Drafting the design basis
    • including setting project starting points
  • Basic design studies including detailed specifications for market tenders
  • Bid evaluations, quality assessments and quality control

Basis for well-founded decisions
With a growing need to build new high voltage power links, independent, international expertise is more important than ever –  especially for large projects.

Our specialists help you make clear and acceptable decisions from the very start. And with fully detailed specifications based on well-founded solutions, you can set fair requirements and make the best choice from the bidding parties.