Biodiversity impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities

Get started on your biodiversity positive journey by identifying biodiversity impacts and dependencies of operations and value chain, and exploring the risks and opportunities this entail!

EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards require annual reporting on the material topics of the energy industries, starting from 2025 and including impacts and dependencies on biodiversity and ecosystems. Halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem is necessary to meet the global targets of the Kunming-Montreal nature agreement, as well as being part of meeting global climate goals and reducing climate risk. 

DNV can support in defining the roadmap for your biodiversity positive journey and guide and support you in the step-by-step process of developing nature inclusive commitments, setting targets and metrics, and disclosing to stakeholders. The key steps are: 

  1. Scope the journey 
  2. Identify priority locations or assets and evaluate biodiversity impacts and dependencies 
  3. Assess biodiversity risks and opportunities, mitigate and prioritise 
  4. Develop commitments, set targets and metrics, and define strategy 
  5. Operationalise, monitor and create results 
  6. Disclose on governance, strategy, risk and impact management, and targets and metrics. 

Our approach to identifying biodiversity impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities follows the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) and builds on the work performed by the energy industries together with World Business Council for Sustainable Development  (WBCSD): Roadmap to Nature Positive. DNV has supported the energy- and offshore industries for decades and our solutions combine the technical industry expertise with expert knowledge in natural sciences.  If biodiversity is a material topic for your company, setting targets for biodiversity and disclosing on performance will be necessary to meet new regulations in Europe and global expectations from financial stakeholders and the wider society. We can help you get started on your biodiversity positive journey, building upon the work your company has already done to understand and mitigate your impacts and dependencies on nature.

Our biodiversity services include: 

  • Biodiversity roadmap development 
  • Assessment of biodiversity impacts and dependencies 
  • Biodiversity risk and opportunity assessment 
  • Biodiversity data and monitoring solutions
  • Biodiversity management plans
  • Biodiversity net gain assessment 
  • Biodiversity due diligence 
  • General advisory related to biodiversity and ecosystem impacts and dependencies.