Asset management auditing and advice

The DNV PAS 55 / ISO 55000 audit tool provides a gap analysis of your asset management, with recommendations for process and technical improvements.

How does your asset management compare to international standards and best practices worldwide? An impartial gap analysis allows you to answer this question, and to identify improvement actions that will strengthen your ability to control risks, guarantee performance and limit costs.

At a time when regulators are pushing electricity transmission and distribution (ETD) companies to reduce lost customer minutes and costs, DNV can help you boost your asset management performance. Using a PAS55 / ISO 55000 based audit tool, our specialist consultants provide a clear picture of what is missing in your organization and what can be improved. Then, they draw on real-world experience of T&D operations to define a milestone roadmap with realistic deadlines.

Standards-based audit
During the audit process, we interview your top management and key personnel and review relevant documents. We compare our findings with PAS55 and ISO 55000 requirements and industry best practices. This enables us to establish the current performance of your asset management organisation and to determine which competencies, activities or processes are lacking.

From this, we provide recommendations and work with you to create the milestone roadmap. In doing so, we also include a risk assessment for the consequences of failing to meet the specific timeline.

Technical T&D know-how
Importantly, our consultants have hands-on international experience of T&D assets and their management, including in Europe, the United States, the Middle East and South East Asia. So they can advise you not only on processes, but also on the actual technical requirements to implement them.