Advanced distribution management system

DNV’s impartial, up-to-date advice on distribution control room technologies helps you choose and deploy the right ADMS, DMS or OMS for your needs

With the emergence of smart grid technology, network operators need new systems to turn the glut of data they recieve from the field into actionable information. There are many advanced distribution management systems (ADMS) and outage management systems (OMS) that can do just that. But with the market still in its early days and product needs and user requirements evolving fast, it can be hard to find the one best-suited to your needs.

DNV’s ADMS, DMS and OMS advisory service provides up-to-date, vendor-neutral advice on all kinds of distribution control room technologies. What’s more, we understand how technical considerations impact business decisions and business goals impact technical. So we can guide you through the complicated task of chosing and deplyiong the right ADMD, DMS or OMS for your company.

An all-round partner
Through our active links with vendors, we make sure you always have access to the latest information in this fast-moving market. And our requirements documents, RFPs, costing spreadsheets, vendor questionnaires and ancillary procurement documents minimise your procurement effort.

We have worked on implementation projects with all ADMS, DMS and OMS vendors. And we have the technical expertise to tailor their systems, databses and displays to your specific requirements. Moreover, thanks to a strong track record in cyber security, we can ensure your chosen solution meets all required regulations such as NERC CIP and the upcoming NISTR.

Our services

  • Developing business cases for procuring, replacing or upgrading an ADMS
  • Procurement support e.g. developing requirements and RFP
  • Project management of ADMS implementation
  • Technical subject matter expert on all ADMS components
    • SCADA
    • Distribution advanced applications (e.g. UBLF, Volt/VAR, FLISR)
    • Cyber security (NERC CIP compliance and / or NISTR)
    • System architecture, including multi-site systems
    • Acceptance testing
    • Interfaces to other platforms
    • Change management
    • Process development to support best practices
  SCADA Lifecycle Management

SCADA Lifecycle Management

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  Power supply systems

Power supply systems

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