Accredited testing and calibration laboratories in the energy sector
Independent accredited testing, verification and calibration services across the globe to ensure peace of mind for all stakeholders while supporting the energy transition
Operating in various locations across the globe, DNV offers a variety of independent, accredited testing and verification services and operates a number of calibration laboratories for the energy industry:
- Power performance measurements
- Mechanical loads measurements
- Measurement of electrical characteristics of power generating systems
- Acoustic measurements and assessments
- Shadow impact assessment
- Remote sensing verification
- Wind resource measurements
- Determination and evaluation of site-specific wind conditions and energy production
- Calibration laboratory
- Solar resource measurements
- Determination and evaluation of site-specific solar conditions and energy production.
All labs are certified according to ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and 45001. Moreover, the labs in China, Germany, Spain and USA are accredited according to ISO 17025. This overview provides a detailed list of services, accredited legal entities and respective contacts.
Further Links:
- List of test procedures (ISI-RA-MEA-3000-A551 List of test procedures DNV Energy Systems Germany)
- Conformity Statement (ISI-RA-MEA-0400-A001 Conformity Statement Decision Rules)