ISO 9001 Awareness Course (eLearning)

An eLearning course of four hours in total covering the basics of management systems and quality management systems in general.

This course is designed and developed to raise awareness on the new ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements while giving a basic understanding of management systems and quality Management systems in general. Participants are taken through the new structure also known as the High-Level Structure (HLS) in brief and the specific requirements in the standard.

The course is designed to be flexible allowing learning to be paused, saved and restarted as necessary.

Additional benefits include access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide. Participants will also gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where they can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure company performance against specific management system standards.


At the end of the course participants will have a good understanding of:

  • What a management system is and quality management principles.
  • The new structure of the ISO 9001 standard also known as the High-Level Structure (HLS).
  • Requirements of the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 standard.


This course is suitable for anyone interested in understanding the requirements as specified in the ISO9001:2015 standard.

This course is designed and developed to raise awareness on the new ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements while giving a basic understanding of management systems and quality Management systems in general. Participants are taken through the new structure also known as the High-Level Structure (HLS) in brief and the specific requirements in the standard.

The course is designed to be flexible allowing learning to be paused, saved and restarted as necessary.

Additional benefits include access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide. Participants will also gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where they can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure company performance against specific management system standards.


At the end of the course participants will have a good understanding of:

  • What a management system is and quality management principles.
  • The new structure of the ISO 9001 standard also known as the High-Level Structure (HLS).
  • Requirements of the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 standard.


This course is suitable for anyone interested in understanding the requirements as specified in the ISO9001:2015 standard.

Utbildning inom ledningssystem


Utbildningsmetodik och fördelar

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Utbildning inom miljö och energi

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Utbildning i livsmedelssäkerhet

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Utbildning i hälsa och säkerhet

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Utbildning i informationssäkerhet och hantering av IT-tjänster

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Utbildning i medicintekniska produkter

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Utbildning i kvalitet och prestanda

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Utbildning i riskhantering och kontinuitet i verksamheten

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Utbildning i socialt ansvar och hållbarhet

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