Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 6 to 7 Conversion for Sites

A one-day course designed to update auditors on the changes from Issue 6 to Issue 7 of the Standard.

This course will provide participants with details of the changes to format and content of the Standard, with a review of audit protocol and BRCGS expectations. It includes particular reference to the changes in order to better reflect the diversity of the Packaging industry and how this affects them. Participants will understand the requirements of Issue 7 to support in their audit preparation, the audit, non-conformities, corrective actions, root cause analysis and certificate issue.

Active learning will be used throughout the course utilising case study-based activities to encourage critical thinking and help explain how sites will implement the Standard and how auditors will audit against the Standard.

In preparation for the course, participants must read and review a copy of the Standard including the glossary, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store, in addition to the pre-course materials provided.


At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Explain what is required to comply with the requirements of the Standard;
  • Identify and explain the changes to the Standard from Issue 6;
  • Describe the scope of companies and products covered by the Standard;
  • Describe what to expect from your BRCGS audit;
  • Prepare for an audit to the Standard.


This course is suitable for:

  • Retailers;
  • Consultants;
  • Technical Managers and personnel;
  • Quality Managers and personnel;
  • Foodservice staff;
  • Manufacturers;
  • Internal audit personnel;
  • HACCP team members;
  • BRCGS Professionals.

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