Industrial Manufacturing

Turning raw materials into products for businesses and consumers alike, this system is the industrial heartbeat of the world economy. It delivers more than US$ 13 trillion in output annually. Almost a quarter of the world’s working population is employed in manufacturing and this system has enormous influence on the SDGs.

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Growing action

UN Global Compact participants are increasingly taking action. In the industrial manufacturing system, 83 per cent of companies are now working to support the SDGs, up from 60 per cent in 2015.

Greater recognition and action required

For industrial manufacturing, the challenge posed by the system's priority SDGs is not fully recognized. Goal 13: Climate Action leads the way on awareness, with more than 70 per cent  stating "all" or "most" of the industry recognizes the climate challenge.

Enhanced social focus

Socially focused SDGs are less highly prioritized within the industrial manufacturing system. This is despite employing a quarter of the world’s workforce and having significant impact on areas such as human rights and inequality.

Sustainable transition needs 

Businesses in the industrial manufacturing system must urgently accelerate progress on the SDGs.  To do this, core pillars that can advance positive trends and facilitate new directions must be established. Enhancing collaboration and reducing market barriers, advocacy and transparency are critical to creating a supportive foundation for the transition.