As concerted efforts deliver proven OSP (Open Simulation Platform) technology, DNV is gearing up to host a secure co-simulation environment for cross-organization collaboration in establishing digital twins that enables virtual system integration, testing and verification of ship systems.
Modern ship systems are increasingly complex, software-driven and integrated. This leads to challenges in designing, building, operating, maintaining and assuring these systems.
Overall system performance depends on the interplay between different ship systems and software, and their actual behaviour cannot be predicted without observing them in operation together. Also, experience shows that there is only a small number of possible scenarios capable of being tested, making it difficult to assess system safety.
In addition, complex-human machine interaction further increases the challenge, and system patches are increasingly difficult since it is impossible to fully predict the consequences of a change in one software system on the other, despite these updates being necessary to stay ahead of external cyber-threats.
“We can enable suppliers to improve the overall performance of their products through increased collaboration and at the same time verify system performance and validate that suppliers’ sub-systems perform.”
Jorinus Kalis
Manager Development
Damen Shipyards
Standardised co-simulation tool
The Open Simulation Platform (OSP) initiative emerged from these challenges. Initiated in 2018 by a consortium including DNV, the OSP Joint Industry Project (OSP JIP) created a platform that helps the industry deal with the increasing complexity by providing a new toolset, and enabling efficient and effective collaboration to build co-simulation setups for system integration, testing and verification.
The OSP JIP recently launched the results of two years of development with the release of an open-source co-simulation software, hosted on GitHub, with interface specification for maritime simulation models, and a set of open-source reference models and system configurations. Also, there are three use cases that demonstrate the usage and value creation of the OSP toolset. These include simulation setups using OSP software and interface specifications for the design of hybrid ferry propulsion system; virtual commissioning of control systems on a coastal service vessel; and operational planning for crane operation.
These deliverables mark the close of the JIP and its transition into an OSP community for the continued development of the open source components, and the start for the development of a new DNV-hosted OSP Trust Centre.
The Trust Centre will build on the four deliverables mentioned above, and it will host a secure co-simulation environment for cross-organization collaboration in establishing digital twins that enables virtual system integration, testing and verification of ship systems.
The benefits
Potential uses for OSP digital twins include requirement design and optimisation during design phase of a project, virtual integration, testing and interface management in the construction phase and change management, training, decision support and planning tools in the operational phase. DNV firmly believes it can have a key role in hosting and delivering the OSP technology to enable shipyards, designers and system integrators to collaborate more effectively and, in doing so, improve ship design, construction and operation. Also, simulation models will play a key role in future classification of increasingly complex, software-driven systems. And that’s why it is establishing the new DNV-hosted OSP Trust Centre. The Trust Centre is planned for launch in May 2021 though many features are already in place and ready to test with customers and other stakeholders interested in achieving better system integration.