Read more about our 12 featured projects in 2020 by clicking the tiles below.
Open Simulation Platform
Enabling better system integration
SIMAROS - Safe Implementation of Autonomous and Remotely Operated functions on Ships
An assurance framework for AI-decision support
SEAOPS - Safe Energy-efficient Autonomous Operation of Ships
Simulation-based testing solution
SEAMAN - Enhancing shipping safety
Continuous monitoring and analysis of onboard safety systems
SAMBA - Safety through Agile and Module-based Assurance
Tailored safety assurance
Rationalising regulation within the aquaculture industry
Ocean Stewardship
Securing the future of the oceans
Intelligent, non-destructive battery performance monitoring leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to provide a safer and more dynamic solution for inspection and monitoring of corrosion on ships
CFD.ML for wind farm flows
Combining high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics models with machine learning
Harmonizing consent for genetic testing
An inclusive, multi-disciplinary co-development process to develop a clinical consent framework for genetic testing