Group Research and Development

Healthcare Research partnerships

We seek collaboration and partnership with academia, scientific networks and industry stakeholders to understand and address the barriers to the clinical implementation of precision medicine, AI, and new digital technologies.

SYNTHIA 2024-2029

DNV is one of 32 partners in the Innovative Health Initiative project SYNTHIA, which is co-funded by Horizon Europe and European life science industry associations. Academic partners include Health Research Institute La Fe, BSC and LUMC, and industry partners include GE, Pfizer, Janssen, Novo Nordisk, BMS and Gates Ventures.

SYNTHIA aims to demonstrate the utility of synthetic data (SD) in advancing personalised medicine through six use cases, focussing on solid tumours, blood cancers, Alzheimer’s disease and type-2 diabetes. The SYNTHIA project will create a SD generation framework and integrate validation of tools and methods to build trust and promote responsible use of synthetic data. DNV will contribute to the SYNTHIA project through development of an assurance framework for synthetic data and in understanding implications of synthetic data in regulatory processes.


EDiHTA 2024-2027

DNV is one of the partners of the European Digital HTA framework (EDiHTA) project, which is funded by Horizon Europe (GA nr. 101136424). EDiHTA aims to bring together 16 partners from 10 countries to support health technology assessments (HTA) of digital health technologies (DHTs) across the EU. The project's goal is to create the first flexible, inclusive, validated, and ready-for-use pan-European HTA framework for DHTs such as telemedicine, mApps, AI, etc. To achieve this ambitious goal, the project will capture the diversity and complexity of DHTs and their contexts of use. DNV will contribute to the EDiHTA framework by providing cybersecurity and regulatory expertise and leading the development of the digital solution for operationalizing it in the EU.

xSHARE 2023-2026

DNV is an industry partner of the Horizon Europe project xShare (GA nr. 101136734). xShare aims to enable citizens to easily and securely share their health data with the click of a yellow-button, within and across European borders. DNV will contribute to the development of recommendations for European Electronic Health Record eXchange Format (EEHRxF) testing and assurance and capacity building on eID, security and privacy in health.

AI-Mind 2021-2023

DNV is an industry partner of the EU Horizon 2020 project AI-Mind (GA nr. 964220). AI-Mind aims to reduce the burden of dementia by developing novel, AI-based tools to support healthcare professionals in predicting dementia risk, thus enabling earlier interventions for patients. DNV will deliver a guideline for legal and ethical data processing, develop a framework for data governance and management, design and implement a data model; and develop tools and methods for continuous data quality assurance.

NACG 2018-ongoing

DNV is a founding partner of the Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics (NACG), which is an inclusive, independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit Nordic association. NACG partners collaborate and learn from each other to identify and address emerging challenges to the implementation of clinical genomics and precision medicine. The NACG aims at responsible sharing of trustworthy data for improved diagnosis and treatment, and as a resource for research.

Realment 2021-2023

DNV is an industry partner of the EU Horizon 2020 project Realment (GA nr. 964874). The project will use real-world data from eHealth, biobanks and national registries, integrated with clinical trial data to improve outcome of severe mental disorders. DNV will lead the task to explore expansion of the real-world data capture infrastructure.

CVD-MENT 2021-2025

DNV is an industry partner of the Norwegian Research Council’s funded project CVD-MENT. The project aims to improve the disease burden in severe mental disorders with a multidisciplinary approach involving clinical trials and targeting life-style risk factors like cardiovascular diseases (CVD). DNV’s role in CVD-MENT is to provide data governance and management expertise for the data being collected and captured in these trials.

BigMed 2017-2021

BigMed, launched in 2017 and funded by the The Research Council of Norway, was the first major publicly funded precision medicine initiative of its kind in Norway. Hosted by Oslo University Hospital and managed by DNV, the project brought together partners from clinical organisations, academia, patient organisations, and industry to address barriers to the implementation of precision medicine and pave the way for big data analytics in healthcare.