Group Research and Development

Digital Assurance Fundamentals

We explore how the digital transformation impacts our customers and how assurance helps customers create value. We develop generic concepts and approaches to tackle digital transformation.

We do research on how digital transformation is affecting our customer’s assurance needs and assurance itself. We approach this topic by studying the changes in trust gaps, stakeholder ecosystems as well as the value that assurance creates in an increasingly digital world. 

We develop fundamental concepts and approaches that not only help understanding and navigating the digital transformation but also delivering digital assurance.

Assuring Trustworthy, safe and Sustainable Transport for all

The digital transformation offers new opportunities. Digital technologies and solutions allow for new ways of working, new products and services and ultimately can help solving some of the challenges our world faces. 

At the same time, digitalization can disrupt established practices and relationships between stakeholders. The introduction of digital assets and their use for new purposes gives rise to new trust gaps. 

We research new trust gaps and new emerging stakeholder ecosystems in the TRUSST project.

Demonstrating Efficient Future Assurance of Digital Assets

The transformative moment poses several unknowns and we work toward increasing the understanding of the impact of digital and global transformations on assurance. 

We generate fundamental concepts that can help our customers grasp and tackle digital transformation and the new trust gaps. 

We draw on DNV’s competence in assurance of digital assets and applications of digital technologies in assurance to develop new approaches to delivery of digital assurance together with internal and external stakeholders.

Value Creation from Digital Assurance

An important consequence of new trust gaps is a changed notion of what is valued by our customers and changed stakeholder ecosystems. 

We do research on the link between digital assurance and value creation and pay special attention to new types of value related to ESG and sustainability.