Wind farm control

How to take advantage of advanced control strategies to increase production, reduce operating costs and extend plant lifetimes

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The topic of wind farm control has aroused a great deal of interest in the last few years. This paper summarises what is meant by wind farm control. Focusing on active wake management, the principal motivating factors are explained, and the different possible approaches are described.
Utilising the current state-of-the-art wind farm modelling and control techniques, DNV believes that it is now possible to implement systems that will increase power production and reduce structural loads in wind farms, while complying with grid system requirements, leading to further reductions in the levelised cost of wind energy. Existing wind farms should use these advanced control strategies to increase production, reduce operating costs and extend plant lifetimes. New wind farms and wind turbines should be designed so that they can take advantage of these opportunities.
However, significant uncertainties remain, and further validation of models and control strategies is a crucial next step to increase confidence in wind farm control design methods and in the benefits which can be realised.