Understanding and managing aquaculture risk

DNV’s barrier management guideline enables more efficient risk control during operations, providing efficiency gains for fish farmers and authorities.

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Risks such as fish health, fish escapes and environmental impacts are key challenges that may weaken the industry's profitability, reputation and future growth potential. The sustainable growth and development of fish farming industry requires improved understanding and management of risk within the industry. 

With increasing focus on the importance of fish farming as a means of meeting rising demand for food from a growing world population, there comes a need for better risk control and barrier management. 

“As Norway is one of the global leaders in aquaculture and the industry is undergoing changes as it seeks to expand, DNV has identified a need in the industry to basically lift the knowledge and competence with regard to risk and barrier management,” says Bente Pretlove, Programme Director Ocean Space, DNV Group Research and Development. 

New production technologies onshore and offshore will become competitive and capture a large part of the production. With new technologies follow new risks and according to Pretlove the industry's fundamental understanding of risk and the way in which the industry handles operational risks can be improved. With this in mind, DNV has developed a "Barrier management in the aquaculture industry - Guideline" that lays the foundation for a shared understanding and common language. The guideline will provide help to start using barrier management as a risk management tool.