Reliable production systems for the growth of clean hydrogen
Joint Industry Project (JIP) is shaping the future for global risk management of clean hydrogen production systems via an internationally accepted certification scheme
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Download our summary report which gives a first insight on results of the JIP and the upcoming DNV certification scheme for hydrogen production systems.
DNV predicts that the share of hydrogen in the energy mix will only be 0.5% in 2030 and 5% in 2050. However, to meet Paris Agreement targets, hydrogen uptake needs to triple to meet 15% of energy demand by mid-century.
To grow confidence in the market, electrolyser systems in particular need further standardization to reduce uncertainties and risks in industrializing large hydrogen projects. DNV is tackling this challenge by joining forces with major industry partners to work towards a new certification scheme and industry best practice for clean hydrogen production systems which will facilitate successful water electrolysis projects.
The JIP “Certification of Hydrogen Production Systems by Electrolysis” is delivering the first global and industry originated set of knowledge required for the certification of hydrogen production equipment.