PV Inverter Useful Life Considerations
Product useful life predictions comprise a key component of system financial models
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High reliability and long life of photovoltaic (PV) inverters are critical for the successful operation of PV power plants. As inverter products mature and new inverter models are introduced to the market, consumers, project developers, and project financiers are looking for methods to better predict reliability and product useful life. Product useful life predictions comprise a key component of system financial models which may include costs for periodic maintenance and replacement.
DNV has developed an inverter useful life prediction analysis methodology that leverages our unique and extensive experience in inverter design, manufacturing, testing, monitoring, failure analysis, and performance evaluation. This whitepaper outlines the key elements required to conduct these life predictions as well as identifying key challenges that manufacturers face when formulating their warranty periods and costs associated with offering products for 25 or more years of anticipated operation when limited field history for the product exists.