Floating Substations Joint Industry Project – Phase 1

Download the summary report to get insights on the feasibility of floating offshore substations and identified technology gaps.

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Floating offshore wind capacity is projected to exceed 260 GW by 2050, as per DNV's 2023 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) research. Offshore substations play a crucial role in the scaling of floating offshore wind, serving as hubs to connect multiple wind turbines and transmit renewable energy to markets. Designing and implementing these substations present distinct challenges, including the need for high-voltage dynamic cables and electrical equipment that can withstand the movements of floating structures.

With a focus on closing gaps in existing technology and standards applicable to floating substations, DNV has initiated a Joint Industry Project (JIP) will help the wind industry meet its potential and contribute to the ongoing evolution of the global energy system.

The JIP’s ultimate objective is to support the scaling of floating wind with an acceptable level of technical, commercial and HSE risk, through robust guidelines.

Download the JIP summary report of phase 1 to get insights on:

  • The feasibility of floating offshore substations (FOSS) and export cables
  • Technology gaps requiring attention and highlighting the maturity of AC solutions compared to DC.
  • Feasibility analysis for generic floater types and dynamic export cable concepts
  • Phase 2 of the JIP