Energy Transition Outlook

DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook has become a widely recognized independent forecast of the most likely energy future.

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More than 30,000 people within the energy industry, as well as financiers, academia, policy makers and executives from industries affected by the energy transition have already downloaded the latest edition of the Energy Transition Outlook. 

The report forecasts demand and supply of energy - globally and in ten world regions - and addresses energy technologies and system dynamics.

Some of the findings in the latest report include: 

  • Electrification grows from 19% to 38% of final energy demand by 2050 – powered by solar and wind
  • Scaling of hydrogen could take 20 years and is forecasted to take less than a 5% market share by 2050 
  • Covid was a lost opportunity to build back better – emissions due to fall only 9% by 2030 
  • The pace of the energy transition has not outstripped our first forecast dating back four years – 2.3C global temperature increase by end of the century is still expected

Table of content:

2021 ETO Table of content