Demand-side flexibility: Quantification of benefits in the EU

smartEn – Smart Energy Europe and DNV have identified and quantified the benefits in the EU in 2030 of a full activation of the flexibility from buildings, transport, and industry to achieve the 55% GHG target cost-efficiently.

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In this study, carried out with smartEn – Smart Energy Europe, DNV has identified and quantified the benefits in the EU in 2030 of a full activation of the flexibility from buildings, transport, and industry to achieve the 55% GHG target cost-efficiently.

The study aims to fill an important gap as no comprehensive assessment of Demand-Side Flexibility (DFS) potential in the EU has ever been carried out up until now.

When compared to a scenario in which demand-side flexibility potentials are not exploited (the ‘no DSF’-scenario), the following results are found in a scenario that allows full activation of flexibility from buildings, electric vehicles, and industry in 2030 (the ‘DSF’-scenario):

  • 37.5 million tonnes can be saved annually in GHG emissions
  • EUR 11.1 - EUR 29.1 bn can be saved annually in distribution grid investments
  • EUR 71 bn would be saved annually by consumers directly
  • 15.5 TWh (61%) avoided renewable curtailment
  • EUR 2.7 bn would be saved annually in avoided peak generation capacity